Gooosh, long time no see (in rewind, I'm DEEPLY sorry). :) Naa, just kidding, what are you guys up to? Hanging around? Chilling? Reading my blog? Haha, I should calm down a bit! But I can't, well not right now, because I have to tell you about my day.. It was really fun, and iI learned much, probably a lot more than on any other little trip her in Ireland. Okay, I'm gonna tell you from scratch, well... Almost.

I woke up, nothing special, except. Wait... Something on the floor... A paper, or... It was a little letter right next to the door. Guess if I was suprised, but, even more -frightened! Those letters under the door only come in those really scary horror movies, with a note and letters cut out of a newspaper. Know those? Yeah. I thought it was letter as that.


Look. No harm. I got afraid for that little thing... (If you wonder why the door looks so weird in a hotel room, it's because I took the cheapest room, and it had this "work" theme...) :(

Moving on... I opened the letter with shaky hands absolutly terrified (haha I mean, WHO would harm me)... until I read: "Guess who? Mary!" Yeah, I just wanted to reply "Guess who is gonna kill you? Me!" BUT! As well behaved as I am, I didn't, of course (but I kind of wished I did, just to scare her a bit ;p). Anyway, it stood that I should come to the pub (in case I haven't told you, the pub were Mary and I met up before hurling is now "OUR" pub) just about ten forty-five. A quick shower and dressing later I met up with my now days, friends, Paul and Mary. :) She didn't reveal where we were supposed to go in the letter, just to dress casual and comforting, so I guessed it was a fun surprise. And... For some people it will be a killing shock, but for me, it was a good surprise. :) It was a book fair, and the theme for this year was called "antique". Sure it was old! It was in the centre of Dublin, near the pub actually, so it was great to take som fresh air for a five minutes.:) When we arrived I got shocked. Yeeeeah, I thought it would be like in Sweden, all authors have their own space and that everything looks like a colorful maze. You know, like this:


But - as I said, the theme was "antique", so it looked like it was taken from a movie in 17th century. So not like the fair's in Sweden, but what do I know, maybe the "real" ones in Ireland looks like that one in Sweden. I prefer this Irish one, to be truly honest. :) Dark wood, wine-red and that deep green colour, you know which one I mean? It was sooo odd but at the same time sooo beautiful. Starnge feeling actually. I could just stand there for ages and look at the amazing interior, but it was time to go - antique authors and poets were on my list. ;) 

Mary and Paul walked in different directions - seems like they have dissimilair taste in this genre. As I stood there I just decided to go my own way to, ha! You know what a canvas is, right? Yeah to paint on etc etc, but guess whatr it was used for in the fair? To put the poetry on and some pictures, actually! It was a few canvas to every author/poet. I walked and saw names like Jonathan Swift (and I automaticly think about Taylor Swift... How Hollywodd-ized am I?), James Joyce, Samuel Beckett and was very impressed by the work and information. Just one thing bothered me, well not that much but i was giving me hard time to think cause' I wondered. How come so many of these authors spend their last couple of years in differneet countries? Like painters... haha.

Anyway. I couldn't take my eyes of Oscar Wilde's canvas. That quote in the title is actually his. I had to put it there. So true, it's such a good quote. I mean, there's no one like you, why waste you time and energy on pretending to be some one else? It's just stupid, in my opinion. But you can't really say it's stupid, when most people do it because they are insecure and afraid how people are going to react when they see the real you. Everybody tries to fit in, one way or another. Everyone needs love, and specially love from friends. Laughter, trust and joy. To have these things you have to be yourself, no one wants a fake person, who is faking what she/he likes. Why fake that popular girl or boy? Nobody is going to see you that way, and it is YOU everybody wants to like. Not a girl who's already there, you see my point? :) That's why I love this quote cause' it's packed with opinions and thoughts in just one little sentence.

Puh, I wrote a lot for this one! Guess what I'm gonna do soon? Visit Mary and see her family, it will be fun, I'm really exctied actually! (Less excited that I'm gonna fly home soon, but.. What to do!)

See ya! :D


Sources (no information was needed):

Ph1: Me :)



Postat av: Kent

Excellent work! You are wriitng with great skills. Keep up the good work!

2012-02-25 @ 08:24:48

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